Welcome to our first Ideathon, where we invite anyone to tap into their creativity. These rules are designed to ensure a fair and fun experience for all participants.

  1. Eligibility
    1. Anyone can join. All we ask is that you are a real human.
    2. Team size: between 1 - 5
  2. Submission Guideline
    1. Submission Deadline is the 30th of November 2023
    2. To submit:
      1. Fill in the submission form with some general info on your project and process
      2. Pitch Deck (pdf, or a link to a deck with view permission)
      3. Walkthrough of the entire pitch deck ( max 10 min)
      4. Any other resources you think are useful - not mandatory
  3. Intellectual Property

All intellectual property generated during the ideathon belongs to the participants. The organizers do not claim ownership of any submitted ideas.

  1. Disqualification

Participants may be disqualified for:

  1. Feedback and Evaluation

Mentors and organizers will be available to provide feedback throughout the event. Additionally, participants can add their thoughts and feedback on every project during the voting process.

  1. Confidentiality
  1. Prizes and Rewards