This template is designed to help other parachains connect to Astar/Shiden Network.

Shiden proposal:

Astar proposal:


We propose to open HRMP communication between Astar**/or/**Shiden Network and <PARACHAIN>. This will require actions on both chains.


We propose to open a bi-directional channel between Astar**/or/**Shiden Network and <PARACHAIN>. The primary use cases will be:

  1. To transfer Astar’s ecosystem assets to <PARACHAIN> so they can be privatized and transferred confidentially and anonymously.
  2. <PARACHAIN asset> can be transferred to Astar**/or/Shiden to be used in the ecosystem of Astar/or/**Shiden Network and the protocols build on top of the network.


There is no on-chain proposal. The proposal created in this forum acts as an official proposal between <PARACHAIN> and Astar**/or/**Shiden Network.

Technical details (WIP)

The procedure for opening the channels is as follows:

  1. <PARACHAIN> initializes a proposal to open <PARACHAIN> to the Astar**/or/**Shiden Network HRMP channel via the Astar forum.
  2. Wait until the proposal on step 1 gets approved & enacted.
  3. Onboard your testnet on the Rococo relay chain and exchange public endpoints and parachain-ids.
  4. Wait until onboarding was successful on testnet.
  5. Astar**/or/Shiden Network proposes to accept the <PARACHAIN> to Astar/or/Shiden Network HRMP channel and open an Astar/or/**Shiden Network to <PARACHAIN> HRMP channel via [Astar MuliSig Governance Batch call].
  6. Wait until the proposal on step 5 gets approved & enacted.